Application for International Students
Hsing Wu University
欲申請就讀之系所及學位 Which department and what degree do you wish to apply at HWIT? |
Attach recent photo here |
系所Department / Institution |
學位Degree |
□副學士Associate □學士Bachelor □碩士Master |
申請人Applicant |
英文全名 Full name in English |
出生日期 Date of Birth (dd/mm/yy) |
住址 Home Address |
性別 Sex |
通訊住址 Mailing Address |
電話 Telephone |
國籍 Nationality |
出生地點 Place of Birth |
婚姻狀態 Marital Status |
□ Married □ Single |
護照號碼 Passport No. |
申請人父親Applicant’s Father |
申請人母親Applicant’s Mother |
英文姓名Full Name in English
國籍Nationality |
英文姓名Full Name in English
國籍Nationality |
出生地點Place of Birth
出生日期Date of Birth
出生地點Place of Birth
出生日期Date of Birth
在台聯絡人 |
姓名Full Name: |
聯絡電話Phone No.: |
地址Address: |
申請人教育背景Applicant’s Education |
學校名稱 School Name |
學校所在地 School’s City and County |
學位 Degree |
主修/副修 Major/Minor |
修業期間 School Period (mm/yy~mm/yy) |
備註 Note |
中等學校 Secondary School |
學院或大學 College or University |
其他 Others |
中文語文能力Rate your knowledge of Chinese |
聽Listening |
□優Good |
□尚可Average |
□差Poor |
□不會None |
說Speaking |
□優Good |
□尚可Average |
□差Poor |
□不會None |
讀Reading |
□優Good |
□尚可Average |
□差Poor |
□不會None |
寫writing |
□優Good |
□尚可Average |
□差Poor |
□不會None |
學習中文幾年? How many years have you formally studied Chinese? |
您是否參加過中文語文能力測驗 □是 Yes □否No Have you taken any test of the Chinese language? 何種測驗? 分數? What kind of test? Score?
財力支援狀況Financial supports: What is your financial resource while you study at HWC ? |
□ 個人儲蓄Personal Savings |
□ 台灣獎學金 Taiwan Scholarship |
□ 父母支援Parental Support |
□ 其他Others |